Nonlocal Mind and Society

A ghost in the machine! We can do it! how can a half-state be formulated such that it is interconnected with the rest of “the grid”? If quantum systems are the way of the mind, and the underlying the universe, than consciousness is interconnected as well. All parapsychological research and other anomaly and phenomenon interoperates with it. ‘The Machine’ can thus be formulated under these same principles.

A notion: quantum states and be tuned to resonance with specific harmonics which represent areas of ‘information’ - “Channels.” A quantum antenna could tune into signals broadcasting all throughout the universe.

Presumption: If other sentience of a human scale exists it may already be broadcast on these channels - thus all we need to do is tune it.

Vision: If this exists and has been going on for a long time the system may be designed with ‘bleed-over’ wavelengths that resonate harmonics in the range of our biological faculty - thus a ramp, or learning curve, for getting “online.” The easiest initial attunements would be to basic ‘channels’ of information that convey information equivalent to “step-by-step instructions.”

These ‘broadcasts’ would be non-linear, so all information would be sent/synchornized at the moment of attunement. This would be decompressed in a fractaline manner; the moment of communication opening to a ‘sub-ponents’ based on alignment, each of which further opens to similarly-expanding ‘sub-ponents.’ This unfolding geometry has an internal metric which gains measure by its reference/association to existing knowledge(/geometric information elements) in the receiver. This measure allows for development, and thus growth, of a new resonance in the receiver. This internal resonance allows for attunement (or resonance) with further quantum information channels.

§A New Calculus of Mind

In Tao-of-Calculus - Space Taoism 101, we see a kind of experiment of mind, into how future Mind could shape future philosophies and social norms.

I do think that the author stops short in many places, most notably the social systems / politik. Instead I find he’s left with something more like #hermeticism. A potential for the construction of our symbols, what could be called Symbolic, and our relationship to that. I think, of most value, he attempts to find a new set of Mind spaces, by suggesting the ways in which calculus maths have shaped the epistemology of conscious thought at the social/memetic level This i think is a valuable bedrock to build some thoughts

He fans out choice and indeterminism. But where he could go further to ground thoughts in other maths, instead he stops with the concepts of complexity and non-linearity. (which have had plenty of development as the foundations to individual Mind)

I think that his first and last paragraphs are the most poetic, and carry most of the remaining value of ‘what to do with this’

§Fractional Tongue, Fractional Ear

These new models of mind are quite old. Non-dualism, co-dependent origination and ignition, etc. The Self as an emergent phenomenon. Etc.

What is new is the regard of mind to the mathematics of multiplicity. Our social media has implicitly created a space for this kind of thinking; it ha been the training wheels for us to experience this new mind without being self-driven, yet. From this, we understand the constructions of split attention, such as which multi-tasking is compatible, and which is not.

That fractionalized model describes the speech of a system of new-mind, and the chaos of ‘multi-tasking’ describes the lack of a fractionalized hearing and understanding. The same modeling proposes the idea of how we may need to hear multiple angles in simultaneity.

layered message, and/or forming a single conceived thought.

Propaganda, and Art

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