Telluric Energies and the Structure of Creation

This posting comes from ‘guest writer’ David White, with who I have been sharing the pleasure of excellent conversations.

I’m thinking more lately about telluric currents, and I’m remembering about the distinction you made between telluric currents and ley lines.That being, telluric currents flow vertically up and down within the earth, from core to surface, as opposed to ley lines which flow horizontally across the earth’s crust.  I really liked that distinction and I really (no, REALLY!) want that to be true, but, alas, both Wikipedia and Britannica say otherwise:

“natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth and generally following a direction parallel to the Earth’s surface.” (

“(telluric) currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or near the surface of Earth.…flow in the surface layers of the earth.…move between each half of the terrestrial globe… equator-ward (daytime) and pole-ward (nighttime). (

At the same time, I’m perfectly willing to believe that there are such currents which flow vertically up and down within the earth. In fact, I want these to exist because their existence would lend credence to a personal pet theory of mine (which I’m sure you’ve already surmise). And, I would infer from your statement, that from personal experience/research/dowsing, you know them to exist.Nevertheless, for sake of clarity and to avoid obfuscation within scientific/engineering circles, you’d probably have to call them something other than “telluric” currents since that word is already taken for currents running horizontally just below the surface.As I write this sentence, the more ancient and mythic “chthonic” comes to mind. As telluric, from the Latin, tellūs, for earth; so chthonic from the Greek, khthōn, also earth, but more specifically the interior of the soil, distinct from Gaia, the surface of the land.Moreover, khthonios, meaning “in, under, or beneath the earth”, referring to earthy and subterranean, and designating deities or spirits of the underworld in Greek religion. [Sure, I know you know all this, I just had to get it out.]

Now, as to the electrical nature of telluric currents… I was skeptical reading Robert Neil Boyd (largely because most of what RNB writes is largely unintelligible). Nevertheless…

“The earth energies observed by the engineers of telegraphy and telephony in the mid-1800s behaved exactly like the powerfully surging earth currents…The engineers observed earth power so enormous it could not be attributed to electrostatic accumulations, nor to the weak electrical strains induced in ground systems by auroral discharges….

There’s obvious hyperbole here, but some core of it is borne out by Wikipedia:

“__Telluric currents can be harnessed to produce a useful low voltage current by means of ‘earth batteries.’ Such devices were used for telegraph systems in the United States as far back as 1859.”

Are you kidding me?!?A century and a half ago they’d figured out how to power telegraphs across the western wastelands from telluric currents???Who knew?!?!So RNB isn’t completely unreliable. Which gives me just a tiny bit of hope regarding his grander, more mythic claims:

“These currents were fiery and potent. World-connecting energies of vast, mysterious, and intelligent content.According to the alchemists, Kirchner, and many of the engineers of the mid 1800s, these energetic flows were direct representatives of Creation, direct evidence of the Divine in operation.…contained in these energies were the awesome secrets of the processes of Creation, the Power by which the real world was both constantly generated, and sustained. Those enterprising engineers who endeavored to draw their communicative power from the Telluric currents, found themselves engaged in surpassing technologies, empowered by the world-generative Source. Okay, so now we’re talking the creation of worlds and the sustaining of reality. Pretty big stuff.But if we go back, and accept the notion that telluric currents are spiritual in nature, in addition to being legitimately electrical, then their “world-generative” nature is not too far afield.And this is where water comes in, specifically the waters of Genesis, of the uncreated world, and how separating water is what creates and perpetuates the world.Compare the Hebrew elements… verse 1:God created shamayim and ‘erets. verse 2:’erets was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep; Spirit of God hovers over the mayim. verse 6:God said, “Let there be an expanse between the mayim to separate mayim from mayim.” verse 7:God made the expanse and separated the mayim under the expanse from the mayim above it. verse 8:Godcalled the expanse shamayim. verse 9:God said, “Let the mayim under the shamayim be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.”

with the Heliopolitan cosmology of Egyptian Old Kingdom…

The pre-creational world was depicted as a deep, boundless, uncreated, watery mass. This is Nun, the abyss or chaos.The primordial waters are beyond turmoil because no opposition or movement occurs in this undifferentiated inertia.Nun is the passive, inert, undifferentiated set of all possibilities, which is not the same thing as an absolute non-existence, emptiness or void. For in Nun (water) lies the capacity to create eternal repetition, the foundation of order and creation as a whole.

_Nun existed before the world was created. It was a body of water that contained divine entities whose potential (and form) had not yet been realized. There was darkness, inertia, and chaos. The appearance of a solid area on the surface of Nun, the primordial mound or egg, begins transition from a formless state to a structured one.This phenomenon triggered a dynamic that culminates in the construction of the Universe… at which point the primordial waters receded to the edge of perceptible reality. These waters continued to surround the created world, threatening to overwhelm it and return it to an inert state. The material and immaterial structure of the Universe thus served as a rampart to prevent this apocalyptic cataclysm.…_Gods, kings and men worked jointly to insure the perpetuity of (the) realms, of everything found in them….Egyptian imagery thus functioned as one vector of the necessary and sufficient task of perpetuating the Universe.

So RNB/Kirchner seem to be writing from the same mythic source as both Egyptian and Hebrew creation myth when he speaks of telluric (or perhaps more to our point “chthonic”) currents as

  • “direct representatives of Creation”
  • “evidence of the Divine in operation”.
  • containing “the awesome secrets of the processes of Creation”
  • “the Power by which the real world was both constantly generated and sustained”
  • “empowered by the world-generative Source”

It’s a curious side note that _“…these specific Creative energies could only be summoned by direct contact with the ground at special sites, which were held to be Sacred Land.The Victorians prized locations deep within the Earth… numerous arcane grottos, and magical caverns…”_to which we might add enchanted pools and sacred wells. All places of water.

Ultimately, if you pull all these threads together, you come to the preposterous question:“Is the world/creation somehow sustained because the energy found telluric/chthonic currents continues keep the firmament in place (i.e.: maintains the structure of universe), thus holding back the waters of chaos/inertia from overwhelmingus all into itself?“

§The merkabah

A model, by Annette Rugolo

Geopathic Stress

  1. Fault Lines
  2. Underground Water Currents and Aquifers
  3. Different Adjoining Soils
  4. Cross Points
  5. Hartmann Lines
  6. Curry Lines
  7. Interference Lines
  8. Personal Interference Lines
  9. Vortices

This is a solid scheme, and more elaborate than typically considered. It begins to surface the idea that there are not different kinds of dowsing. Rather, there exists a ‘superstructure’ model that integrates most (IMO correct) forms into one metaphysical model.

Rods are often used as the display/interpretation format. They’re not needed, as with any tooling. They are devices like training wheels like on a bike. Studies done have always shown your neuromuscular activity preceded the moves of the device. So it’s always you moving it in subtle ways.

There are techniques for determining if a line or fault or point is linked to another thing. Like lunar cycles. Weather. Seasons. Etc. and what facets of it is linked.

An optical model has strengths, as it helps to think of all these things as light. And the things involved in focusing or changing the light / those lights.

§Ley lines are the feathers of Gaia

I see and have worked with patterns for electromagnetics, geologic currents (telluric), water, blood/consciousness both current and historic, and those of elemental or spirit beings and their societies. Then there’s the grid of lines and fields that deal with the intersection of all of those things, then there are the reasons that cause variations and seasons to each of them.

I can only ever use it well based upon necessity. Which makes it hard to really use it at times, because I don’t have a strong sense of it unless it is attached to a purpose for knowing it – which usually can be thought of in the framework of causing healing.

I say feather rather than bloodlines because of these things swell and flutter in the growth and movement of the planet. And I think those movements serve a similar purpose as the structure of feathers for flighted beings

Why do Seraphim become depicted with so many wings and so many eyes? The same reasons I think.

Moreover, goetically, seraphim and similar beings are constructs of the holofractal Merkabah. They sit in stations, which are the conduct of tablatures of forces. As such, they are like polytopes in the way they are the concordance of ley structures. And of course, in the universe of creation, these ley intersections are sound and light, from the vision and love of the Divine

I think that’s why dowsing is so sacred: it’s like reading the pulse of creation… that’s really very close to saying that you are coming closer to touching the raw force of angelic or elemental beings.

§Proofing the Channel

The point of ‘testing’, or proofing, such beings/experiences remains to validate if it is actually an angel or other external entity, versus a sophisticated projection/hologram of your spirit. When discussing these with someone, it may not be a useful discretion to pressure the disclosure of their means of testing — since that can be intensely personal and revealing.

One of the ways to do this is to resonate with being using a very pure and unclouded/strong emotion. One that you have very good command of internally. It’s ideal to do this with being who’s planetary or construction nature is very specifically-based rather, than a more complicated being, of a lower/more detailed station. This enables them to be a more pure resonator of that emotion.

If the construction of resonance that comes back is marred with some thing of one’s personal psychology, you can begin to understand that you’re not relating with an independent being. This becomes more difficult in the case of certain angelic stations that are apportioned to help us with challenges.

To try to pull a modern pop-culture metaphor, it’s similar to how Rowling / HP describe the energy in constructing the Petronas charm.

This is part of the praxis with the Angelica calls, and the variations of the tables of angels and other orders of being

Petronas charm was formed by holding the strongest pure emotion that someone could, which was generally implied to be unconditional love / compassion.

this is also what sets of the answer to another one of the questions you had: there’s a general argument that innocent emotions are easier to validate as being pure/untainted.

What lets us see if they are not all me though? I’m not sure there’s any absolute metric. The one that is often described in goetic work is “interrogation“. By asking many questions, you can catch the being for yourself in contradiction or falsehood through cross analysis. I actually suspect this is the origination of Hebrew and other Semite relationship with the law, and so far as it seems to have an ancient cultural and metaphysical presence for them.

Whether there are any external things or not would be deduced through sufficient ‘metaphysical litigation’. I think this actually raises an interesting question about the nature of devils and angels. Do the stations they occupy exist as facets of the human mind has created in the divine origination? Moreover, I tend to think that the process of interrogation develops your soul/spirit such that it’s capable of managing such relationships. Thus the visibility of such things may come though these developed discernment’s

In Kabbalah, there is a topic of the ‘loss’ of the Divine name (moreover, its method of being said / pronounced). It relates to a midrash from the movie Pi (irl: Phi) The protagonist is arguing with some ultra-orthodox kabbalists regarding the Divine name. The protagonist has discerned the Ur pattern and demonstrated it, and the kabbalists are challenging him on his knowledge of ‘real / important’ things like the Divine name. He realizes they don’t know the secret of it, and points deductively that the name is composed of a known number of pieces and syllabications, and in ~2000 years of generations of the jewish people that surely these learned men have iterated on the sacrosanct pronunciation of every variant of the Divine name – without success at rousing the Divine, bringing about the messsiah, or even incurring a smoting….. thus the secret is not in these forms that they’ve accumulated, but something beyond their oral teachings (i.e. the secret of Phi which the protagonist holds within him)

§Invocation Ciphers

I think this is significant to goetic invocations, enochian, etc. Crowley did so work with the holy guardian angel, and the intonations of I,A,O. I would no doubt assume that the ciphers of IAO are likewise keys to ‘other tablature’ in the same way as the enochian tables and the rota of angelic names. But herewith this principle there is new ways to consider ‘verbotten-like’ forms, and other ‘violations’ that Crowley would have been adept to wield. These may even be considered as semasiological rules regarding intonation.

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