Step in Step with Fate

There are qualities to walking step in step with fate. Calmness permeates every arrival in the flow.  It creates space into which unfolds the force of life present and waiting in each person and thing.  The heart holds unwavering sensitivity for the entangled yet nonlocal complement.  Calm listening allows every quiver and tension of the space around, within, to yield upon the true path. … Calmness permeates every arrival in the flow.

We are immersed.  The world around us is the ocean of time mythic.  When we are sad, it face is one of sadness.  When we are joyous, everything is a nerve ending rubbed right.  Like looking into the surface of the water, the world around us is no less a reflection - a mirror - when we are immersed within it.  Yet, each of us are stars, and the world becomes deeper as our reflections play with each other at the edges of our minds.  When we are still, like the qualities of meditation, the world expands as our perception grows - anxious with its own calm.  Every reflected bit of ‘other’ is like a stone in the river, possessive of its own sense of motion.  Our calmness, expanding, permeates each and every new arrival as it flows around and comes to know the forms.  They are known inasmuch totality as they know themselves; temet nosce - gnōthi seauton. Know that, that we know nothing.  The permeation is our doorway, our entrance into the life.

It creates space into which unfolds the force of life present and waiting in each person and thing.

As we touch and permeate each arrival within our flow, it too hears us.  This other listens to our essence, our intention, our vision.  We can unfold our nature within the perception of the other, and they can unfold before us.  All of the majesty contained and conducted by years of living lies locked within that other.  When it unfolds most completely we experience it as a port - a point to aid the venture forth - and as winds pushing, in their whim, toward one direction or another.  All of this life force unfolds when it is able.  Our calmness creates the space for this unfolding.  Our calmness holds all of our energy unto ourselves.  We do not spill out and flood the other mind we now permeate. Our calmness standing before the other allows it to enjoy the edges of its own tension and direction.  Like playing host, we grant space for the other to express itself.  Our calmness create the space for communion.  Whether this other be the mind and soul of another with which to fashion vision and fate - or a less-human thing of the world that acts like a statuary landmark in our journey unto dreamed and prophetic land.  Where mind and dreams are yet formless, the unfolding of each newly-arrived other provides roadways.  These roadways deliver us unto the direction of our intention, and we are fueled by the delight of the other.  Delight that our spacious calmness has allowed.

The heart holds unwavering sensitivity for the entangled yet nonlocal complement.

The heart hears across space and time.  What dreams and intentions are placed within it open before us a ‘path of least resistance.’  We become one with those things that are part of that fate.  Ourselves and all things present things participating in that future fate become as reflections of it.  We are entwined with it, knowing each other by being a part of the whole.  But the landscape of fate and serendipity is mostly invisible.  How and where to place the feet also comes from the heart.  It is infused with the dreams and intentions held within it.  The heart senses the things that are entangled with it.  It has the truth-hearing to know what before it is part of the fated to which it is yoked.  It can hear to what degree something, some path, some person, is part of those dreams and intentions.  As every thing unfolds within the space our calmness provides, the delicate edges of that unfolding flutter and incense.  The heart is magnetized to each movement, each aroma, that is part of its irrevocable future… a future that is Now, except for the steps needed to decloak its invisibility.

Calm listening allows every quiver and tension of the space around, within, to yield upon the true path.

Calmness too provides patience to hear all of the unfolding, so that truly the most potent for our fate becomes the activator of our next step.  The most rigid can initially be the most prominent - but this rigidity makes in less participatory in the living edge.  It is the meadow upon which the lovers play.  Moving into the space of communion reveals further the vulnerability of our most fledging and tender new edges.  Ever tender, quivering, tense edge that we find along the path is yet another face of that entangled whole.  Calmness and spaciousness with them - most - lets delight nurture their expression.  The green flame cheers bright and is innocent to any taste but its own purity.  This purity is the solid ground of our footsteps forward.  Every step along this path sprouts life and invites the light of life, and courses the waters of the soul.

Pivoting the curves of time

The moment; each moment; is a magick that we can enter, rather than passing it as a point in a timeline, we can instead relate and operate on it as the center, the middling point of both halves of time around it, which creates an infolding by nature and can be recognized by the semantics of the mind as a doorway that we might fall through, for the doorway may be ahead or above but within it is always the spiral well of gravity upon which sits the hydraulic pressure of the realized decision tree of the past as well as its fully implicate mirror of the future, thus forming an orthodoxal ring, through the doorway of the recognized moment, indrawn by the siren call of the continuum annulus of adjacent time that forms its own semantics, but what do we call this frustrum of flux between the adjacent annular orthodoxal time and the hydraulic flow of semantics wherein recognition occurred?

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