The methods the ancients used for conveying systems knowledge can still be utilized today in the development of human consciousness. Regardless of the objective existence of human-recognizable patterns amidst the flows of the universe, certain forms are so closely knit with information that their study is the most effective means of rendering aspects of the 'natural order' as wisdom - capable of being sustained across the evolution of culture. Scale is paramount to this process, as our tools and models for facilitating awareness become part of our language of perception and cognition.

In scientific measurement, the scale of things is compared by powers of 10. The central unit in this system is the meter - which is a measurement at a human scale. If we go down a scale to 10^-1 (1/10th of a meter, ~4 inches) we have measurements on the scale of the human hand. If we go up a scale to 10^1 (10 meters, ~30 ft) we have measurements on the scale of a house.

Both of these scales are intensely relevant to our human experience, as well design things around them. Most tools, or parts thereof, are designed on the scale of 10^-1 because we use these tools with our hands. Paper, dinnerware, books, etc are all on this scale. Leaves and consumable plants are also of this scale. (In the electro-magnetic spectrum UHF television broadcast waves are this wavelength)
Most buildings, or spaces of human interaction are on the scale of 10^1 because this is a comfortable envelope of experience. Houses, dining & dancing halls, courtyards, gardens, street intersections, etc are all on this scale - a comfortable distance for interacting with personal space of others.
In wild nature we also find this scale present in ponds, streams and trees - many of which grow to a scale of 30-60 feet (10-20 meters). It is perhaps no leap of the imagination that houses are also built at this scale, but it does reinforce this understanding of how our lives are influenced by 'patterns' in nature.

At the next envelope of experience we have 10^-2 (1/100 of a meter, about half an inch) measurements just relating to the fingertips, or other similar sizes. At this size we experience the smallest jewelry, the width of pencils and other delicate hand tools, buttons (on our clothes or to operate our technology i.e. phones). Much of our smallest food (above ground granules) is on this scale; peas, beans, seeds, etc. This is the scale of delicacy, and certain amount more attention is paid to this scale than to a hand-scale. Electromagnetic radiation of this wavelength is considered microwaves.
At 10^2 meters (100 meters, ~300 ft) we have a scale of human experience where rules are used to mediate interaction. This is the scale of arenas, fields, factories, ships, etc. Each of these venues requires rules, a model, in order to have an experience. Games/sports are played in arenas, crops are systematically planted, and fairs are held, in fields , there's an order of operations to factories as well as designed jobs - as also on a ship. (HF EM waves)
In wild nature this scale is represented by lakes, sequoia trees, and rivers. Rivers and lakes, in particular, are vital elements to the functioning of human functioning at this scale: villages and towns.
Both 'directions' of scale at power-2 require some model, or set of rules, to understand what our interaction and relationship. Without these conventions the interaction of people in this scale of space is known as a crowd, mob or other hive mentality.

At the next envelope we have 10^-3, which is about the diameter of a grain of sand. Operation at this scale can be closer linked with its inverse 10^3 - 1 kilometer or 3000 feet. A material can be ground into powder, flour, or sand, but doing so is an operation involving many people - and is an operation that usually benefits even a larger number. Involving this number of people, the scale of interaction is often the size of a village. A scale in the thousands of feet; nearly a mile. At this scale, unorganized human interaction becomes a riot. Electromagnetic radiation at the small scale of this wavelength is also considered microwaves - at the high scale MF waves)
In wild nature this scale is represented by lakes, and rivers. Rivers and lakes, in particular, are vital elements to the functioning of human functioning at this scale: villages and towns.

At the next envelope we have 10^-4 meters - the diameter of a hair, a thread, or plant fibers. Our sense of touch can be trained to feel the difference between subtle thickness differences in hair. Arguably though, measurements at this scale are difficult - mostly requiring the assistance of precision tools and careful measurement. This component of the EM spectrum is called the Far Infrared.
The inverse of this, 10^4 meters (10 kilometers, or 30,000 feet) is a scale at which coordinated planning is required to have a distinct envelope beyond the previous village scale. This scale can be associated with a borough or township. (LF EM waves)

The fifth power is the first scale in which perception occurs almost entirely via a model. 10^-5, 1/100th of a millimeter, is a cellular scale. Tissues and organs of the body can be differentiated by their constituents. Invisible to the naked eye, vision in this realm can happen through science (lens optics) or medicine (body health). Ailment alleviation at the scale is primarily dietary, where plants are consumed in the whole form. This is also the wavelength of heat emitted by the human body. This component of the EM spectrum is called the Mid Infrared.
Inversely, 10^5 is 100 kilometers or 60 miles. This is the scale of a city area or a county. Both require a model (bureaucracy) in order to conceive of their wholeness. The city scale is comparable to the cellular scale of the body, constituents exists but they cannot survive outside of their system. This is the first appearance of climatological zones. (VLF EM waves)

At the sixth power we cross another envelope of models of perception. 10^-6 is 1 micron, a sub-cellular scale which references the size of sub-cellular components, some virii, the length of an entire DNA strand. Energy with this wavelength is referred to as the Near Infrared. We feel it as heat and some creatures and see in this spectrum. Optical magnification of this scale is only so effective - energy dynamics, such as light scattering, must be employed to 'magnify' micron-scale dynamics. Medical models of this scale becomes more complex, and incorporates herbs and other remedies where plant components undergo a process in order to become incorporated into the model.
10^6 is 1000 kilometers, or 600 miles. This scale encompasses an entire region, island or small nation. For humans, statehood occurs at this scale, as an organizational unit above city and county. Models for human interaction increasingly involve representation and mediation. Our models of organismic functioning on the small scale match closely for organismic functioning at the large scale. Climatological zones form regional weather patterns at this scale. (ELF EM waves)

10^-7 is 1/10 of a micron. This scale is populated by virii and complex protein components - and other order of building blocks to the building blocks. Cancerous mutations occur at this scale. For scientific models this scale may be very analogous to the previous scale. Medical have slight divergence here; surgery taking to laser tools and radiation for breaking up cancers, etc.; shamanic models of this scale go beyond herbs and address psychological problems. Energy wavelengths of this scale are in the visible light spectrum.
10^7 is 10,000 kilometers, or 6000 miles - the scale of continents. For human organization this is the scale of large nations, or a council of nations. it is also the diameter of the Earth. Interaction between sub-national groups, and inter-nationally, is increasingly complex. Arguably, humans are still working at developing effective models for this scale. In nature, continental weather conveyors appear out of the regional patterns. (VF - voice frequency - EM waves)

10^-8 is 1/100th of a micron, or 10 nanometers. This is the size of a crystal lattice and basic protein structures - both of which operate on similar molecular principles. This is also the wavelength of ultraviolet light - which is related to why they are used to measure things at this scale. Some creatures on earth can see and feel into this spectrum. Western medicine generally does not address this scale, while shamanic medical models take an emotional approach to healing.
10^8 is 100,000 kilometers, or 60,000 miles. The primary reference we have to this scale is the circumference of the Earth (40,000 miles). Our models encompassing the whole Earth are in their infancy, and encompass human rights, cultural memory and ecological functioning. Ecological awareness at this scale is an international effort, as patterns cover polar weather migration, earthquake dynamics and oceanic changes. (ULF EM waves)

The next envelope of scale is the 9th power. 10^-9 is one nanometer. This is the width of a chain of DNA, and other primary protein formations. This is also the base level of crystallization. Wavelengths of this scale are x-rays, which are most often used to perform measurements here. Shamanic medical models feel that healing at this level happens spiritually.
10^9 is 1 million kilometers, and almost 1 million miles. This is the rough distance between the Earth and the Moon. Humans have no strong bureaucratic models for this scale. We have rough accords that cover space law and an international/planetary reserve.
This scale begins the strong emergence of mythological models, as the moon is our closest celestial object. These mythological models include stories which encompass cyclical information and generally govern human ritual. Like the smallness of the inverse at this scale, our models are almost entirely representational.

The next envelope of scale is 10^-10. This measure is also know as 1 Angstrom, and is the width of an atom (including electrons). Since we have no tools for measuring this scale directly, all of our visualizations are based completely on constructed models (scientific principles rendered graphically). We have developed tools that can render the effects of events, though this is still highly representational. Coincidentally enough, as the scale we measure continues to get smaller, our apparatus for measuring get larger. Operations for this scale of measurement are generally the size of a human. Electromagnetic radiation of this wavelength is called gamma rays, and is the relative 'top' of the spectrum, as we cannot accurately measure energies higher than this.
10^10 is a distance of 10 million k, or 6 million miles. It is the scale of distance between planetary orbits in the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus and Mars). Our metaphors become increasingly mythological, and various systems of metaphor begin to arise based on the movement of planets in the night sky.

The next envelope begins the first significant gaps for the small scale. 10^-11 is comparable to the outer of three general electron orbital distances (from the nucleus of the atom). Our scientific models are further representational, based on the crystal formations and emitted light. Matter composed of atoms bearing this scale are generally metals, and are often radioactive.
10^11 is referred to as 1 Astronomical Unit (AU), since it is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. This is also the scale of distance between the Earth and any of th other planets in the inner solar system. Our metaphors include the sun, and primal metaphorical element.

10^-12 is called a picometer, and is the scale of the inner electron orbitals. Matter composed of these atoms can be metal or mineral.
10^12 is 10 AU, the distance between the Earth and jupiter, and is a scale for measuring Jupiter's orbital distance from the Sun. This is the first scale to represent the outer solar system. Mythological models also take a leap here as Jupiter is a powerful or elder/grandfather symbol, and the rest of the outer planets are associated to emotional and spiritual aspects of human experience.

10^-13 is the scale of the inner electron orbits on the atom. Matter arising from this scale are minerals and non-metal elements which are the building blocks of organic life.
10^13 is 100 AU, and is the distance from the Sun to a sphere known as the Oort Cloud. The Oort Cloud is a 'shell' of stellar dust which is caught in a kind of orbit around the Sun. It is generally accepted as the leading edge, or envelope, of our solar system.

10^-14 is a scale which is represented by the diameter of every atom.Our models of this scale are entirely representational,and only limited glimpses of the effects of this scale can be seen by instruments the spanning many buildings.
10^14 is 1000 AU, and is the scale which we know little about. Many comets have orbits which span this distance. A special place exists for comets in mythological models, naming them the heralds of great change - understandable considering that they travel outside of our solar system and return.

10^-15 is called a femtometer, and is a scale of quarks and other effects described by quantum science. At this scale even our representations are uncertain, and our methods of measuring the effects of sub-atomic particles are constantly being re-thought. Instruments that are used in this inquiry often span many miles.
10^15 is 10,000 AU, and is the longest orbital distance of any comet we know. It is almost the distance to the nearest star.

What lies beyond this envelope of scale? On the small scale we know very little. On the large scale we know only slightly more. it is the distance to other stars, and at 10^21 we have the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy, which hold all of the stars that we can see with the naked eye. It is not surprising that our most developed models for this scale are mythology about the movement of the stars, and their constellation.
Beyond our galaxy at 10^22 we have the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy, our closest galactic neighbor. 10^24, or 100 million light years, is a rough scale of the distance between our solar system and the center of the Universe. Beyond this, in the 10^30 range, is the estimates of how our scientific models project the diameter of the universe. Including modern science, few human models have any framework for this scale (the Maya of ancient Meso-America having created the primary other).