Sizes of Being, and the Instrument of Time

This is part a continuation of the Quantum Mechanics and the Macroscope chapter that appeared in Filters and Reflections: Essays on the Nature of Reality.. On consciousness and Myth.

human consciousness has shown not to move and steady, regular paces - but instead to contain periods of rapid growth and change, which frame those times or moderate development. These periods of rapid acceleration of associable to catalyzed reactions, where a series of events is triggered in relatively rapid succession. With chemicals in the lab, controlled conditions are used to guide this process. In the case of social systemics, we have no similar framework for control except for self-consciousness, social identity, and other facets of collective perception.

Without such self-awareness these rapid growths in human consciousness can lead to unbalancing situations such as border conflicts, market [pro-?]collapses, technological obsolescences that can lead to complicated systematic turbulence. In order to address these scenarios, there must be a methodology for investigating growth. Since this growth is the nature of human consciousness, the investigation must address the mythological foundations of the subconscious and unconscious mind.

A systemic association of myth contains the roots for developing frameworks capable of understanding rapid accelerations in the growth of human consciousness. Such growths would then not be without informed awareness of their nature, since they would follow a patterns inherent in the system, whether they be represented directly or indirectly.

§Envelops of Scale, and Beingness

§Lethe and Rebirth

It has been told that whimsical and irresponsible gods would bath themselves in the Waters of Forgetfulness (Lethe) in order to renew their virginity after fornicating with those they should not have been. This model seems to go further, though, to the general notion of the renewal of virginity. Mortals entering the realm of the underworld would pass through the river Lethe to wash away their memory of life past so that they would not be unhappy in the underworld and could go on to lead a new life. This is the process of rebirth and is another indicator toward the necessity to integrate and shed some portion of the former self in order to move on to a new way of being.

§Time and Timelessness

You are an anchor for every God. There are many of them, and they have multiple physical anchors. Minor demons and spirits have fewer, but they all “ride” on top of the physical world. You are a medium for those higher astral intelligences

do you have more model/idea for how/why we anchor so broadly, and how/why others do not?

I think the main divider here is that Gods are eternal, that is atemporal. They ride on top of the entire brahma cycle. They are divine thougthtforms.

While spirits are temporal. They are within creation. A spirit can be any number of things, and it is a very large category. The dead, animals, your own personal guardians and shadows etc.

Djinn are clearly spirits. as they are they in-time, and not timeless. because they can be killed (even though effectively immortal)

Angel means messenger. And they seem to act within time. But this can get muddled, because the arch-angels may be what I would refer to as Gods

are ‘chthonic’ beings gods? or are the some kind of ‘lesser god’ in the sense of how Titans were different than gods, in the Greek pantheon?

Osiris is a minor God, and he is definitely Chtonic.

There are several layers here. So i will have to do some exposition. Odin, is the highest God. But he isn’t the One. He is low, middle and most High. His sacred name is Third. He is trinitarian, as seen in his symbol, the valknut

yes, which includes time/#eschatology and also outside of it. I just try to model which kinds of beings++consciousness are within/without of each ‘level’. level===envelope, really, IMO

it does, but not demons and other in-time things that are not ‘thor like’

i’d liek to see more of how they are different ‘the semantics of how they are different’

the name of Odins father is Caged. As in unmoving. Locked in the ice. He is the king of the dwarves (chtonic deity). The dwarves are the mental shapes that shape the material world.

Nice symbolism for the Monad i think

The spiritworld is the inbetween. Time in fairy land passes at different speeds.

opportunity to think through the relationship between Thor and time though

§of Names in Time

it helps to remember that words are powerful yet imperfect because they are situated in the maya of time. Therefore they can never be complete, yet they can be instruments of wholeness. This is part of the mystery of the angels’ names.

“The Ancient One is hidden and sealed; the Short-Tempered One, revealed and not revealed. Revealed, written in His letters; concealed, sealed by letters unsettled in their places, for about Him above and below are unsettled.60”

Excerpt From: Daniel C. Matt. “The Zohar (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition) vol 5: Exodus.” Apple Books.

§The Void and its Relations

the name of Odins father is Caged. As in unmoving. Locked in the ice. He is the king of the dwarves (chtonic deity). The dwarves are the mental shapes that shape the material world.

Nice symbolism for the Monad i think

interesting, because ‘the mental shapes that shape the material world’ is very semantic. it is like qlippoth shadow form toplogy

In latin myth, the dwarves have tiny daggers from which they carve the world out from the nothingness

“Rabbi Shim’on said, “We have learned that when the blessed Holy One created the world, He carved engravings of mysteries of faith within radiancies in supernal mysteries. He engraved above, He engraved below, all in one mystery of engravings of the Holy Name, יהוה (YHVH), ruling through its letters above and below. Through this mystery worlds were consummated, the upper world and the lower world.”

“when the blessed Holy One created the world…” means that in the beginning of the process of emanation, God engraved the forms of the sefirot, which are symbolized by the various letters of the name יהוה (YHVH)”

Excerpt From: Daniel C. Matt. “The Zohar (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition) vol 5: Exodus.” Apple Books.

interesting the qlippoth make sparks in the void and it tears apart the plenum to structure the light that precedes the merkabah luminefourous aether

scene in avenger’s movie where dwarves make Thor’s stormbreaker (new weapon in marvel uni)… the forge of the dwarves is epic. Just what i always wanted

I think the sound of the horn-resounding ‘bounces off’ these sparks in the void-plenum i think the dwarven blades are making rune-marks that change the structure of the aether-resonance that makes the eschatological world

i knew the runes - the great runes of the logos - were semasiographic

under/in material world, but outside monad and such the demiurge seems like some ‘monad of shadow-forms’

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