A Treatise on Telluric Mechanisms

I recently had the pleasure of reading on the rich and rare topic of the mechanism of pyramids in telluric currents. Really it can be seen as an operational guide for telluric engineering. The Secrets Of The Pyramids Revealed, by Vilim Kanjski and Hrvoje Zujić. The work of Kanjski and Zujić is a turn-on because of a related introduction given to me by a friend in the UK. he was the only depth source of information I’d had on the topic of pyramids as ‘energetic engine’ technology. So, Jim, this review is for you.


The amount of diagramming is good. The strong use of visual language is really what I would expect from authors handling such a complex topic. I was able to read it visually on the first-pass and get through it quickly. A full reading of the text thus went very quickly, and I could absorb the major ideas more deeply. The book is also sprinkled with lovely esoterica, like discussion of the Soviet ‘Woodpecker’, and outlining the three usage-categories of pyramids: 1) Per-neter (house of nature) 2) Per-ba (house of prayer) 3) Per-ka (house of burial)


In the crux of his argument, the author presents pyramids as a class of electromagnetic inductor, but handling long-wave charge transfer (or possibly less-defined fields like longitudinal wave) that occur between earths crust and atmosphere. Other authors think in this domain have used the term “paramagnetic” for this kind energy, and the authors are also comfortable with the term. YMMV. The author gives the du-jure comment that ‘simple linear mechanic concepts’ proxy the more elaborate wave energy process that occurs. That is to say, he attempts to simplify the presentation of how the mechanisms work - which will make it easier to grasp the big picture, but will not do justice to complex dynamics.


On p. 134 the book deals with the use of spheres in creating and accentuating [telluric/paramagnetic] lines of force. in Diagrams are shown arraying stone sphere on the ground-plane in phi-structures to form a harmonic relationship between the set of stones and the telluric energy. The telluric currents are thus proposed to propagate in field with phi-geometry.

I haven’t seen so much of the Bosnia work in one place. The use of the spiral resonator structure as a watershed tool… that’s lovely. I didn’t see that before in the Bosnia work because I didn’t see the layout of the mounds in the valley. I’ll use this now as a ‘lens’ to reconsider earthworks in the North American history.

Side note: This is the model I searched for in 2002 when I was creating structures in Curto Park, Pittsburgh, PA. Curto Park is a cliffside face that the telluric energy spreads upon before it distributes to the valleys below (i.e. the city).

I sought then to find a way to activate the landscape and seek healing rhythms of the city, by using the ley lines like instrument chords.

Pittsburgh, an industrial town, is dependent on the material movements of the city. Mining and related industry is a basic form of these movements, and limited by resources in the land. Without those ‘heavy’ movements the city stagnates. It needs an instrumentation to make it Work - one that is not subject to the slash-and-burn tactics fallen-upon by the 20th century industrialists.

At the time, in Pittsburgh, I called this an ‘earth laser.’ I sought a way to build and channel the telluric current… tap, resonate, and beam it, and match the beaming direction with remote sites that were accumulators. Matching the ley energy cycles with the moon, seasons, sunspots - now seems more possible in light of Kanjski and Zujić’s work.

All of such treatise on earth / telluric energies, to-date, miss out on the role of plasma cosmology.

Apologetically, most working in the field with earth energies don’t have the historical perspective of the Electric Universe community: deep theory and experimental experience in fundamental physics.

I see society using it the earth fields to better develop the architecture of cities, in an apotheosis of The Nature of Order.

The Secrets Of The Pyramids Revealed is a great book – one of the best I’ve read in a while.

§Biotic Vulcanism and new channels

As we have seen that the 23.5% longitude and lattitude tropics are the epicenters of volcanic activity, perhaps the support of life, and organismic backbones also convolves from these points / ‘earth harmonics’

Such can beget that the tectonic plates are more like a very-slow-plasma that moves with solar system field/energetics. The bigger alternative theory IMO is that volcanic activity is biotic. Meaning that is cause by hydrogen and oxygen excreted as part of extremeophile bacteria lifecycles

Microorganisms like live in the cores of nuclear reactors. stuff that just doesn’t die simply because of ultra high energies

These things evolved to crawl deeper and deeper into the mantle of the earth and came to thrive on the magma energies. Could even have evolved/emerged from within the magma layer/core of the earth – same as Reich demonstrates bions form from ‘sterilized’ matter

Further along that line, the biofield of such life (remember, there would be whole beds/fields of this life within the magma layer(s) of the earth) might resonate with similar extremeophile life elsewhere - e.g. perhaps in the Sun.

I’m betting that the characterization of the plasma / energetics of such earth fields will be hard to differentiate from models of extremeophile ecosystems within that region — and that such models will have analogues in the solar layers

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