Information Architectonics

I’m very interested with infinity.  Lemniscence and recursion - the way that things reconnect to themselves.  So I’m interested in the notion of visual syntax because I see a need to understand the language of structure as it extends into the semasiographic and the allegorical. [caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”240” caption=”A Wreath of Light”]2x20 Villarceau Circles with inside lights and metallic finish. This is one of my longer picture title...[/caption]

I think this was the original intent of architectonics.  I spend time looking at the surface of things because I think that infinity lays in dormition everywhere.  I look for subdivision, forensically, because I think that there is no limit to how far technology will let us unpack the world that it all around us.  The language of space, and how a thing refolds and nests upon itself, will be the primary language for designers of all fashions… the fashioners of our design. We can codify this syntax as it is revealed.  We’ve always done this to some degree - that’s history.  Now we can codify this language within contemporary media.

§The Sacred Eigen-Foot

The ‘foot’ here is a ‘concept of a foot’, as it’s a relative measure to some given space — which we’ll call sacred space in the interest that we are indeed using a given site, with love and accord, for at least the sacredness of supporting the life of a person / family. Also I think it would help for us to put ‘foot’ into quotes, to differentiate it from the germane foot-on-the-ruler.

Perhaps a quick metaphor for their difference is comparing wall-clock time to time-with-your-hand-on-a-griddle to time-with-your-beau.

It might even be better to use a different name for this ‘foot’ so that we could easier write and reference it. Sacred-foot. Golden-foot. Eigen-foot. Ur-foot. Maybe i’ll just try “'foot'” for when writing.

Once you call it something else that ‘foot’, it’s easier to conceptualize as a ‘foot relative to the space it will measure’. It’s thus a subdivision of the space of the building-site — a method of inscribing that space. From this unit-of-the-space, all other site-specific measures will be formed. This makes them resonant with the space, infolding and explicating the space.

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