Reich & Orgone
(Harnessing the Orgone for biomedical and meteorological functions)
    The presence of an organic, living, energy which Schauberger found in the motion of water was also being researched by a psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Reich. Reich discovered an organic energy when working with ameba cultures that emitted a penetrating heat that could not be detected with electromagnetic or radiation sensors of any kind. He noticed that metals rapidly attract this energy, but non-metals would absorb it. To capture this energy, which he would later call Orgone, Reich constructed a layered box with a metal interior. However, he found the presence of Orgone in this box even after it was removed from Orgone-emitting sources. Coincidentally enough, Reich's orgone accumulators are constructed almost identically to the insulation on Schauberger's water engines. Reich then turned his focus on the exploration of the Orgone energy for bio-medical purposes, a line of research that would eventually lead him to form models for the flow of Orgone that show it having an almost inherent attachment to the atmosphere and weather. He and other recent researchers would go on to investigate methods of stabilizing weather patterns caused by poor Orgone flow in regions. This atmospheric work or Reich's is where the Orgone's strong connection to water can be seen.